First and foremost, we hope that everyone is staying safe, healthy and not suffering from the effects that Covid 19 has had on our economy! We also hope that the curb side service has had a minimal impact on everyone. There have been some hiccups, but it seems like it has worked well to follow CDC guidelines and provide care for our patients. Governor Kemp has recently started phase 1 to reopen Georgia. However, the CDC, AVMA and GVMA are recommending continuing to practice social distancing, i.e., curb side service, stating that they “have not given any indication that these practices should change anytime soon.” We will be continuing to follow these guidelines for the foreseeable future. As soon as the CDC and/or GVMA update their recommendations, we will adjust our policies to follow their guidelines. We pray for continued health for everyone! Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns.
For more information regarding Covid 19, please check out the following links:
Georgia Department of Public Health
Veterinary Information Network
American Veterinary Medical Association